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School Cleaning And Its Impact On Pupils And Staff

According to recent studies, clean classrooms and hallways in schools and colleges can have a huge impact on a young person’s attendance, mental wellbeing and overall performance while attending school. As a cleaning company offering school cleaning services, we understand that it’s a well-known fact that infections spread very quickly across schools. Parents often refer to their child’s school as a ‘germ factory’ and if you have children you will fully understand this. From research, it shows that children under the age of six can suffer from around eight colds over a term year so infection control is something we really need to look at. This is where NECS come in as a capable cleaning contractor because we ensure clean classrooms to a high standard and a thorough cleanliness routine in place to help stop these viruses spreading, which minimises sickness and improves your school’s attendance figures. However, we have found that a clean school impacts so much more than just the children and staff’s wellbeing. NECS also use our own range of eco-friendly cleaning products and cleaning solutions on all our contracts. This means the learning environment is also a safe one.


School Cleaning And Its Impact On Pupils And Staff

Impact On Emotional Wellbeing Amongst Pupils

According to a recent survey, 83% of teachers say they observed a noticeable uplift in pupil behaviour when they are working in a clean and tidy classroom. Mental health charity YoungMinds has also stated that there is definitely an identified correlation between emotional wellbeing at school and academic achievement in later school life. With two in five teachers already knowing of primary school children that are showing signs of mental health issues like anxiety, panic attacks and even depression, its so important for educational facilities to create a safe, calm and clean workspace for young people to learn in, and doing so can make a real difference to their performance at school and overall mental health.

Richard Colwill from mental health charity SANE, said:

“Children’s mental health is something that we should all be concerned about. Creating and maintaining clean and safe environments for our children is an expression of that concern.

“It demonstrates how we care for their health and development, and its importance should not be underrated.”

So a clean and tidy school really does have a much wider positive impact, 90% of teachers said that they themselves feel a noticeable difference in their mental wellbeing when their workplace is clean, so quality educational cleaning services really do have a positive effect from top to bottom.


We all read about how overworked teachers are and over recent years, demands on teachers have significantly increased. The Guardian teacher network has reported large increases in instances of poor mental health and low morale within the teaching community. 93% of teachers stated that their stress levels sometimes can and do impact interactions with their pupils.

NECS understand that teachers do everything they can to promote a healthy working environment not just for their students, but for themselves too as its so important. Reports show that 50% of teachers surveyed have stayed late, outside of their normal contracted hours, purely to make sure that their classroom is clean and set up correctly for the following day.

This doesn’t have to be the case when you have a professional cleaning company taking care of this which in turn free’s up important time for the teaching staff during term time.

Clean Classroom Improves Pupil Performance Figures

A clean classroom is not only important for tackling sickness or absence rates, but over 80% of teachers also said that a clean and tidy working environment impacts pupil performance in the classroom. Many teachers stated ” schools are not just about academics, it shapes the character and habits of its young pupils. Dirty under-maintained classrooms teach students poor health habits which they are likely to carry on into future life.”


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Having a clean classroom to start with displays a standard for children to follow and allows them to take personal ownership to keep their own desk space clean and tidy. So a clean working environment is so important within a school, in an age where we really do need to look after not only the pupils but the wellbeing of the staff that deal with them on a daily basis.

Having the right cleaning service in an educational establishment reduces sickness, improves student behaviour and contributes to a safe space for teachers and pupils. It is clear to see that cleanliness really should be a focus for every school across the UK but with only 8% of teachers surveyed saying their school is ‘very clean’ it is also apparent to us here at NECS that there are still significant steps to take to improve these cleaning standards.

So if you are looking to implement a professional education commercial cleaning service in your school then give us a call or get in touch via our contact form.

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