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Prepare Your Property For Resale With A Thorough Clean Down

Selling a property in the UK can take an average of 65 days, according to online real estate agent Rightmove. For the fortunate homeowners, a property can be sold in two months. But it often takes much longer for others, with obvious factors like space, location, transport and others affecting the process. A less obvious factor, however, is cleanliness, and it’s one that homeowners actually can control.

Messy Homes Put Off Buyers

Incredibly, online real estate specialist sellingUp has revealed in a 2015 study that 55% of buyers would reduce their offer for a messy house. Meanwhile, 15% of buyers would lose interest or withdraw their offer. Overall, the data indicates that 70% of potential buyers can be negatively impacted by the sight of the visible mess in a prospective home. Clutter can also play a role, with 44% seeking to reduce their offer due to lack of space, while 25% would walk away completely. For homes and businesses that lack space, the worst thing to do is leave items strewn around the house with nowhere to store them.

SellingUp conducted this research with the assistance of Populus, a UK-based market research firm. The research is further legitimised by the fact that more than 1,000 UK buyers responded to the survey. Having such a large group of respondents clearly highlights that messy properties matter and this is a factor sellers cannot afford to overlook.

Prepare Your Property For Resale With A Thorough Clean Down

Dirty Homes Are Less Appealing

SellingUp questioned respondents on 16 factors that could negatively impact a sale. Many of the factors cannot be controlled, such as living next to a graveyard or having poor mobile phone coverage. Therefore, it seems surprising that homeowners would not keep their home clean when this is a factor they can directly control.

The study also mentioned how messy homes can result in fewer buyers coming to see the properties. Basically, a smaller pool of buyers is bad for selling a home because it means that competition will likely be less intense, resulting in a smaller sale price. In turn, this will leave less money to invest in a new property.

Another statistic worth quoting is that 27% of buyers will attempt to negotiate a few hundred pounds off an asking price for the specific purpose of hiring a professional cleaner. Instead, homeowners and business owners can profit by hiring a professional cleaner on their own terms. To conclude, finding an affordable cleaner can be more profitable than letting buyers negotiate a lower price to pay for their own.

At NECS, we understand that struggling to sell your property can be stressful, which is why we’re here to help! From helping you scrub up your home to saleable standard, to deep commercial cleaning for worn out and dirty offices or corporate buildings. Get in touch with our friendly team by emailing for cleaning advice, tips and more information on how we can help you!


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