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COVID-19 Company Statement

We at NECS are working closely with our supply chain, customers and staff to ensure that we are responding effectively to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak to minimise the impact on our operations and service.

We consider the effective management of this situation essential to the long-term growth and survival of our business.

We have established Jim Farrell as the nominated COVID 19 Staff Co-Ordinator for the communication of updates & monitoring of personnel and workload

We have established reporting and management procedures covering:

  • Contact with COVID 19 symptoms – No symptoms
  • Symptoms and able to work
  • Sick and unable to work
  • We have established briefings and communication channels to all of our employees to ensure that they are provided with the latest Government and NHS guidance and advice.
COVID-19 Company Statement

  1. We have provided hand hygiene equipment throughout all business processes and we are committed to providing sufficient resources and equipment to ensure that the Company can operate in line with Government Guidelines.
  2. We have strong partnerships with our suppliers that may be used in the delivery of our product and services, we are communicating regularly in order to identify and mitigate any issues in their supply chain to us.
  3. Our response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak will be regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains relevant and effective to the changing needs of our business and customers

All staff should log in using this following link and your issued password to view the full COVID-19 GUIDANCE (NHS & GOV.UK) document.


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